Mar 17, 2007


After several weeks of brutally cold & unseasonable weather, we finally got a warmup. Since the temps last week got into the 60's it was obviuously time to get the scooter out. While it was sitting I did keep the battery charged, added Sta-bil to the gas and started it and warmed it only once. I wondered how well it would start after sitting all these weeks. Well, it fired up easily. I let it idle for a couple of minutes while it put on my gloves and helmet, then took off for a short ride. Took her out again a couple of days latter. This time I stayed out a little longer and found a deserted road so I couple open her up a little. I saw an indicated 62 mph, but I know the speedo is very optomistic. I am pleased with the acceration. I did sense a little shake in the steering by the time I got home. I have been warned about the importance of checking nuts and bolts for tightness on these Chinese scooters, so I decided to take that advice. I checked everything I could without removing any plastic body pieces. Everything was fine except for the bolt that holds the handle bars on. It was pretty loose and I concluded that I must not have tightened it fully when I assembled it.

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